Are you tired of looking tired? A brow lift might be the solution you’ve been searching for. At Wentworth Clinic, we specialise in rejuvenating the appearance of the brow area through our innovative modified brow lift technique.
In this blog post, we discuss how the majority of our brow lift patients at Wentworth Clinic undergo a lateral brow lift alone to correct brow ptosis (drooping), or in combination with an upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).
Modified Brow Lift technique
Standard brow lift techniques either involve an open or endoscopic approach.
Wentworth Clinic has modified the techniques incorporating both approaches and is able to provide the outcome under a local anaesthetic. We have developed and performed this technique for the last fifteen years with many satisfied customers.
Comprehensive pre- and post-operative care for Brow Lift Surgery
Patients are admitted to the clinic an hour prior to surgery. Vital signs are recorded, and informed consent is obtained in addition to answering any queries the patient may have. We will discuss post-operative care, suitable diet, and ensure the patient has an escort home, following the procedure. We ensure the client is completely comfortable before we proceed with the brow lift surgery.
Preparation for Wentworth Clinic’s Modified Brow Lift Procedure
We make four skin markings (with a pen). These are 4 straight lines which are a guide to where the scalp incisions will be made, approximately 2cm into the hairline.
The two middle incisions are vertical, approximately 2cm, whereas the temporal or lateral incisions are made as shown in the drawings.
This is done whilst the patient is in the seated position, which provides better alignment than if the patient was lying down. The markup is done prior to local anaesthetic injection.
Surgery Commences
Tumescent local anaesthetic infiltration with nerve blocks will anaesthetise the areas. The planned four incisions are made and after careful dissection, the whole brow is mobilised, and lifted cranially and the diamond-shaped excess scalp is excised and repaired.
Patients go home after an hour with minimal downtime.
Lateral Brow Lift
A lateral brow lift can be carried out with only two incisions to correct the lateral brow ptosis which can be combined with upper blepharoplasty as part of Wentworth Clinic’s upper face rejuvenation program. The scars are hidden, and recovery time is quick, with minimal downtime.
Brow Lift pre and post-op image gallery
If you are interested in finding out more about our standard brow lift, lateral brow lift, or upper face rejuvenation treatment, as well as pre and post surgery information, please visit our dedicated brow lift surgery page, or use the contact form to get in touch. Alternatively, call the clinic on 01202 422171 and we will be happy to arrange a consultation to discuss your procedure.
Hi. I am interested in the lateral brow lift with upper eyelid lift. Could you give me an approximate price for thos please.
Thanks for your enquiry Daphne, please would you get in touch via our contact form available from the top of the website or directly from the ‘browlift’ page here:
Looking forward to seeing you